
Born and raised in a small town in the south east of England, I grew up with my first love, music. Playing different instruments and falling in love with different sounds and the way notes and lyrics could evoke emotion was my first real passion. I didn’t find photography until a bit later in life but I have always been a creative, studying different forms of media in further education. It wasn’t until I set off on a trip around the world that I fell in love with my first camera and thus leading me down this path of discovery.


My vision is to capture the human soul and tell stories with my work, to document those special moments that will echo a lifetime. When I see a specific moment, when I am able to cement a moment of time with a click of a button, when I am able to share this moment with others and let them live In this scene over and over again, then the moment is documented for an eternity.

Ryan Alexander

I am a freelance photographer inspired by the relentlessly unravelling movie of life.

“We're all so frightened by time, the way it moves on and the way things disappear. That's why we're photographers. We're preservationists by nature. We take pictures to stop time, to commit moments to eternity. Human nature made tangible.” - Kodachrome


My style of work is capturing the story in front, behind and around. Remaining the observer is important to me as to not effect the goings on around me. This is done by being unobtrusive, relaxed and letting you stay in the moment, all without losing the candidness is something I take pride in.


A lot of my inspiration comes from my love of street photography and for my need to experience different cultures. Street Photography will always be my first love in photography, getting out in the streets and capturing a moment that otherwise might be forgotten is so exciting to me. But it’s more than just that moment, more than just the photo, it's the story that hopefully comes with it which is an art I’m always trying to develop, the art of storytelling. I take influence from the greats such as Saul Leiter, Diane Arbus and Sebastião Salgado. All who have inspired me in some way shape or form.

Second is my need to experience different cultures. Seeing the world and immersing myself in difference I’snt so much of a want but an incessant need. I am

and the call to the world is a fiery passion that leads me to experience places unknown. This passion allows me to travel the world and to start understanding what makes difference so unique.

Wild At Heart


Combining everything you get:

A photographer whose creative talent can deliver a tailored experience in photography.

A storyteller passionate about finding, capturing and telling the story of your life.

A human who can acknowledge, embrace and understand differences and bring your individuality to life.